Welcome! Whether by mistake or design, you’ve landed on my humble little (redesigned) website. I am the sole owner of this ever-expanding collection of odd thoughts, and I do hope you enjoy your time here. As the web address surely informed you, my name is Justin Marwitz.
Who is Justin Marwitz? I’m a hobbyist and technologist that happens to enjoy a wide variety of activities. Some of the hobbies I enjoy are; woodworking, working on cars, home improvement, gaming, reading, and listening to a variety of music while doing whatever it is I’m doing. You can read about most of these things in my various posts.
It’s been a while since I’ve updated the site, I’m trying to be better about keeping up with what I’m working on be that cars, computers, houses, or what have you. If you want to get a hold of me, head to the bottom of the page and click on any of the social links. In the meantime, stay sane!